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Aging for a normal human being, what can you end up doing for yourself at home? Care from the outside, what can you do? Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Very, very important because you protect the barrier. Barrier knows to protect itself. Skin has its own microbiome, so it knows to save it. If the microbiome is intact, that will itself protect you. So this is all self-protecting. The only thing you can end up doing is well-moisturize your skin. Number one. Two, sun protection. I understand my mom never wore a sun protection. Her skin is great, but it was that day, where the sun wasn't that hard. She wasn't out all the time. They were at home most of the sunny hours, and their food was much better. So oxidative stress, inflammation was better taken care by the food. We are not doing all of that. So sun protection is important. These are the two things you can do from the top.