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Do you truly feel that the Congress has messed up the country? No, I will tell you why. I always thought the same as others. I thought Congress hasn't done a good job. But if you look at what a nation undergoes after it gets independence, it's crazy growth. We could have had military dictatorship, just like Pakistan. We could have been invaded by other countries. So when a nation as big as India gets independence, everybody has their eyes on India. So I believe that the success of the Congress government lies in keeping the country intact, and they were able to maintain a country with less chaos, if not no chaos. However, I also believe that the socialistic principles of Congress may not have been the best thing that happened to India. Because if you look at China, they opened up their economy in 1978. We were 13 years late. Do you realize we were stopping ourselves from so many opportunities? Now, when these policies were executed for whatever reasons they were executed for, I believe they may not have been the best things to happen to.