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How much of foreign policy is PM Modi's will? Policy means what? You are what? Are you a non-aligned party? You're not aligned with anybody. Have you said that anywhere? If you're not aligned, then why are you buying all kinds of junk from Russia? Why are you trading in Rupee, Ruble without going through the exchange rates? There are so many things. Are you for China or against China? You go to meetings where Chinese are. Now the Chinese are not coming anymore. I know China very well. I speak Chinese. I've written books on China. I know what the Chinese are up to. What are they up to? They're up to swallowing a good part of your territory and show the world India is not a third factor after the United States and China. Do you believe India is not a third factor? India is potentially the first factor. It's only a question of time. But we are at the moment at the level of less than third. I think there's more respect for France today than there is for India.