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In your eyes, where is this war-like situation, Israel-Iran, going?


To some extent, it's a religious issue. It's about Muslims versus Jews, and they are trying to create this pan-Turan corridor, which will essentially wipe out the nation of Armenia and create a whole Turkish corridor.


This Iran thing came up. The Gaza-Israel thing is already going on. What do you think the mood is like in that nation?


Gaza has been sealed off. Palestinians obviously want Israel to cease to exist, but long term, there is this deep hatred, which is like a blood hatred.


What's been India's stand on both these conflicts?


India's borders are likely to change in some way. In which direction? I would not like to talk about it.


Drone warfare is now an out-and-out reality. It's gone from being something theoretical five years ago to being a reality now.


A whole new level of warfare is coming up. People imagine China is the second most powerful nation. They simply are a powerful economy. But look at how many nuclear weapons they have. This much. Look at how many nuclear weapons the Russians have. They have enough nuclear weapons to anaerlate the world. If they want, they can squash China tomorrow.