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I want to ask you about what it's like growing up in India, according to you, versus what it's like growing up in Europe. What's the difference?


There's a lot of differences there, but what I've seen in India is that still in many places, to a small or larger extent, this ancient tradition, whether we call it the Sanatana Dharma or the local culture or whatever you want to call it, it's alive. It may be decreasing in some places in the sense that decreasing to the extent that people are exposed to it, they have access to it, but it's there. In Europe, most of these places, it's not a continuous link because at some point we had different tribes there. We had our own nature, worship or the different traditions, belief systems, some of them very ancient. So we don't have that living tradition like that. Some people are trying to reconnect to it now because those are our roots, you could say. But here it's alive. It's probably the most ancient civilization or tradition that has continued.