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Do you know a Narsimha mantra? Yes. And I've seen what Narsimha does to the body. It heats the body up because Narsimha is all about agneswarup. It heats it up in a good way. You have to be able to receive it. And Narsimha sadhana, if you see, even when serious upasakas of Narsimha, when they worship Narsimha, they'll place him in water because you need to be able to control that energy. You need to know how to hold that energy. Again, within Narsimha also, there is this understanding that he's a very intense form because when he goes to kill Hirani Kaspu, he's seated Hirani Kaspu on his lap, and he takes out his intestines and wears them as a mala. And you will see this in temples of Karnataka carved. It's beautiful, but it is scary. But the same image that is showing you all of this supposed gore is also showing you a baby Prahlada looking in gray top. So it's telling you that you don't have to fear if you are operating from that space of love. The same Narsimha will become calm for.