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There's a particular sadhna or technique which is used to recharge a mantra.


Depending on the mantra, specifically. And there are also sadhanas, which are rare, by which, if a guru gives it, competent guru gives it, if somebody accomplishes that sadhna, any saber mantra will get unlocked.


You mean you can make your own mantra?


No. For that, you have to attain siddhi.


But there is.


There is. Because see, your words must have that self-actualizing power. That I say something and it is going to happen. That is what technically is called as vaak siddhi.




Exactly. Anything that comes out of your mouth, nature will make sure that it happens. For that, only those things will come out which will happen. Now, whether you are being a channel for nature to execute things or whether there's a free will inside you that is making things get executed, I don't know. But that is a blessing that comes from nature, from the deities. Only that a man can create a mantra.