Transcribe your podcast

How did you get Tanma as a client? Just reached out to him. So I wrote out a very emotional piece to Tanma saying that I'm a huge neratinib fan, and I understand what you go through in terms of people trolling you for your weight. Give me a chance. I know I can do something with you. Wow. I took that as the biggest opportunity of my life. He was cool enough to let me spend an hour extra, and we'd do a lot of shit talking. It's done by. But he'd also brief me a lot on how his career was going about. So he would tell me that, Can you imagine a reality where a cycle brand pays you one-lack Rupees just to talk about them on Snapchat? Once I saw him starting to crack his few deals, I realized that, Hold on, my YouTube channel is also growing. I had to have a little bit of a painful conversation with him about needing to stop training him as a fitness trainer. I don't think he had liked it at the time, but then I've been bros with him for so long now. He's been that big brother figure throughout my career in many ways.

