Transcribe your podcast

That whole thing with Bhajjipa, I intend on asking him also when he's on the show.


Please, please, please.


What was happening in your head when it had just happened and that video had come out?


No, it was actually, I think if you look at it, it was a 30-second video or something, but it made it short as if...


It became the biggest IPL news.


Yeah, unbelievable. So I will say Bhajjipa, even now I address him as Bajipa. I remember, I told you about Punjabi Connection. Whenever I had an important spell or something, or I'm not doing well, I used to go and hug Bajipa. And somehow, it is just that memory. Maybe the vibration or maybe the positivity which he's got, and all the Pajis got. I used to always get the performance out. So when that incident happened, I was just shocked. I didn't cry because of the pain. It was because of heart.ipa, essay, no chance. I couldn't take the fact that he would do it. And I was not worried about who's watching. So that was maybe the kid in me.