Transcribe your podcast

Bron Strowman, welcome to India.


Thanks for having me here. I'm just still in awe of just how the welcoming has been since I've got in the country.


It's been amazing. How does such a positive guy become an on-screen hale?


We all have a bad side to us, per se. We all have that monster locked inside of us, and it's an opportunity for me to get it out because there's things that upset you throughout the day in your life that you've got to bottle up and deal with. Well, when I'm in that squared circle, I get to get rid of it. And unfortunately, these hands get a hold of some other poor soul, and they're on the receiving end of it.


What energy are you sharing with the crowd?


Honestly, it's the energy that I'm getting from the crowd. Louder that crowd is the crazier I am, the more willing I am to put my body and my health at risk because I know that they're caught up in the moment and my job is to do exactly that. At the end of the day, man, I travel around the world and I play fight with my friends in our underwear.


Best job in the world. It is.


It absolutely.