Transcribe your podcast

What's happened in the last two years? You were a very different JK.


I was in a very different emotional space when you met me last. I was drowning in insecurity.


Do people still have the guts to give you creepy man energy?


I don't know about creepy, but I definitely have an antenna for male, chauvinist, backward thinking energy, and that shit pisses me off.


Does that happen in the best circles as well? Yes. Have you had a breakup because of something like this? A lot of the female friends around me have had these experiences.


I think my heart broke the most when I lost my mom. That person never really left my life.


Was the biggest spiritual lesson you learned from her?


Just keep that child alive and protect it.


I can see you gradually working your way up that mountain of greatness that you're inheriting.


I don't know why I'm getting emotional.


You should be proud of yourself.


You're going to make me cry. Really, you stop.