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Dude, you're one of the most well-travelled people I've met. I want to talk to you about Germany in general.


For us, it's a very normal thing that once you finish high school, you go to some foreign country like Australia or New Zealand, spend a year there, and then you start your university.


What was that like, traveling through Australia and New Zealand?


For me, it's been a huge relief of being out of school and of being out of my drug-addicted circle of friends at that time.


What drugs were they doing? What happened to them in life later?


I ran math. I had a girlfriend, and she was not really doing good. She was very badly addicted. Three years later, I actually visited her, and she went through rehab. She was fine. But I know many people who are not doing fine. Like, what happens? In India, I think if you are landed on Harin, you'll just end up in the streets and you might die tomorrow. In Germany, you have a wide array of programs given by the government to support you. So some made use of that and some might not.