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As I remember, at each 14, I was in the middle of a big road accident. I was sitting on the front seat of a bus where the bus driver almost died. It was a school trip. I was asleep. I woke up to people behind me just screaming, When I opened my eyes, I saw a bus that was coming towards us head-on. Our bus driver at the last moment turned the steering wheel, but the bus that was coming towards us hit the back of our bus. Our bus started skidding, and then it hit a tree. When I turned around in that accident, some friends of mine had cuts on their face. For each day to get stitches, someone's tongue had gotten cut in half. Back was injured, someone's foot was injured. I truly believe that here I am because of this being's energy. All I remember doing after that bus accident was praying and saying, Thank you. He is totally protecting me. He is with me. That's Anumanji for you.