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Before I bring a new child in the world, I may decide, I want to put my career first. I'm not ready. I'm dealing with traumas. I need to heal. Do that. Take it to 35, take it to 36. But personal responsibility to look after yourself. The more you look after yourself, your body is going to support. As we move into our 50s, you'll start seeing a lot of people automatically move to spirituality. But there is a time and place for everything. Look at nature. You plant a seed in the wrong environment. Is it going to grow? No. You plant a seed in the right season. There is time for rain, there is time for heat, and the seed grows beautifully. Without trauma, it will sprout, it will reap. The point is, we need to go through our phases in life. It doesn't mean that at 15, I can't be spiritual. I can, but I can't make it my life. At 15, 16, 17, I'm also supposed to live life, because by living life, my spiritual practice gets stronger.