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What should the everyday, average Indian know about Kali Upasana?


Ma Kali is always intense in all her forms. Even the softest forms still have that intensity.


That is why she was called to be the mother of the Viras. When Kali enters your life properly, if you allow her to enter, he uses a very interesting phase, but the path will be tough.


Why? Because that is her nature.


Without clearing karmas, you cannot go ahead.


That is why one of the things we say is that to worship Ma Kali, you must have that attitude of the Vera.


That is the Vera who, as I just now described to you, Vera is the guy who in the fight, you need not be the best fighter, but you have that attitude that every time I fall down, I'll get up and fight, I'll get up and fight, get up and fight. Till I am the only one standing.