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I had a friend who went through intense balding when he was 18, 19. And he had a conversation with me where he made me sit down and he's like, Bro, if ever you get a chance to talk about this problem on TRS, firstly, it's very common. Secondly, tell everyone to directly go for hair transplants. Is that the correct medical advice?


No. First, you have to consult a doctor. Get it consulted. Understand the problem. Second, would be in a transplant, so we have to be very sure that the donor area is very healthy. Body will not accept it, it will reject it. Second step is planning, where we have to explain it to the patient that hair transplant is we are not just implanting hair follicles anywhere. It's a craft where we have to match with the face, we have to match with the age. Set realistic expectations to the patient. There's an art attached to it. It's an art attached to it.