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Have you ever wondered about how life would have been if the IPL was around when you were playing cricket in Kaplan in England? Because that's how all of us remember you, with that red and blue jersey, that particular team.


I think as an England player, there's two teams that you want to compete against and do well against. The Indian side led by Saraf Ganguli. Always enjoyable, always hard fought, always played in the right fashion. I remember Saraf getting his shirt off at lords and celebrating because Andrew Flint, I think it was in Mumbai, where Freddie got a wicket. When I got the captaincy of England in 2003, I tried to take a little bit of everything that I'd seen from captains and also captains that I'd played under back at Yorkshire, obviously with Nashra Usain, with England, Alex Stuart, captain a couple of times as well. Also, I used to watch the overseas captains, how they operated. Saraf Ghouli was one of those captains that I looked at, I thought, Oh, yeah, that passion that he brings.