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Do you ever reminisce about the time when you first bought that piece of land in Pawai? How does it just feel to buy such a big land parcel?


I made eleven buildings in Lokanwala complex, every building that I made. I was very happy with the type of building I made in those days. I looked out of the building and I was very unhappy. The roads were bad, there were no lighting, there was no stormwater drain, there was no water supply, there was no good electricity connection, nothing. I realized at the end of the day, I want to make a place where when I make a building and look outside the building, I should look at my own building because I can't be sure that the gardens will be nice or the place will be nice. So Hawaii was actually a reaction that I wanted to create a place which would be everything that will be there will look beautiful. And that was the whole aspiration.