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We will begin by talking about the origins of the universe according to Shakt. Shakt claims it began through Mata.


The first most primordial power is Adya Shakt, Aparashakt. Adya means the source, source power. It's the source point from which everything is originated. So first, there is Adi Shakt. Adi Shakt creates the three Murtis and the deities. Brahma, Vish, Rudra, all these are created by her. Esvara, Tattva is created by her. From the highest gods to the lowest stone, inanimate object, it is her creation, everything. How does she look? No one knows. We have conceptions of her, which helps us in dhiana. Fundamentally, she is beyond conception. So we, a deity, one of the concepts is that a devata, she can be infinite. She's both without form as well as she is with form.