Transcribe your podcast

I truly believe that you're the top of the world of journalism in India. It's very rare to see you in the guest seat.


I feel like I've been trapped this time.


A lot of the people who watch you, watch you for your directness. The famous speech and all that happened recently. All these are the white people in the room. Did they come up and diss you after?


Before and after. It was not a nice feeling. It was borderline hostile. And the most disheartening part of it was that the people maligning India are your fellow Indians.


You are negatively affecting the soft power of your own motherland when you diss India on a global stage.


When you block highways in India, then it's supposed to be a protest for a rightist cause. But when you block highways in Canada, police will come and beat you up, and that should be okay because you are affecting double standards work?


Any long-term predictions for the presidential elections?


The US is going to have an old white man as their President. It's a horrible choice that they have. Why?