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Again, another person now that I want to know about and the audiences want to know about is Paul Levec.


Oh, H, the boss, he's unbelievable. He cares.


He's great. Is he the new Vince McMahon?


No, there's no new Vince McMahon. He's Triple H. He's Paul Levec. He's his own person.


But what's common between the two and what's different.


Between them? Their love and passion for this business, that's the biggest thing that I see the common between them. And then everybody's, they have different flavors. I tell everybody, wrestling is like ice cream. It's figuring out what flavor you like.


What flavor do you like?




In wrestling terms.


No, I mean, I like me. I like my character. I mean, that's what I said. People always ask, Well, who do you watch? Who do you want to mimic and this and that. I watch things here and there to learn some moves, but I don't want to be anyone else. I don't want to be the next undertaker. I don't want to be the next Cain. I want to be the first Bronstromian.