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When the Russia-Ukrainian War happened, because the oil price shot up, inflation happened all across the world. The RBI had to increase the reparate. And because of that, the interest rates to people like you and me that increased. Our purchase power decreased. As a result, less people bought fancy clothes because of the Russia Ukraine War. If you today go out there and ask an entrepreneur who's dealing with clothes as to how does RBI's reparate affect his business, they'll have no clue. Today, because we are seeing the diplomatic battle between India and Canada, if there is a manufacturer in India for whom canal oil is an important raw material, this person will be able to understand that if things go bad, India might impose import duty on canal oil, which means the price of canal oil in India might shoot up. As a result, he needs to stock up his inventory. This is the power of geo-politics. It helps you understand a very powerful market force which could give you a competitive edge over your-Get an X-ray on the world of business. Yes.