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What is a nuclear winter? This is the concept that we have in our apocalyptic view. We have a nuclear explosion and things of that nature. There'll be so much of the matter in there, the dust and other such things floating around the Earth and so on, prevents the sunlight from coming in, cooling down because the winter happened. After this Mount Tova event happened 74,000 years ago, they estimate less than 10,000 adults were there on Earth, from whom we have all come. The breeding adults fell to 10,000. What? The number of adults who were alive after the day went. All over the Earth. In India. In this empty DNA studies, they presume that all the non-African people of the world have originated in India through two lineages called M and N markers. And so if this theory is right, you and I are alive because one of our ancestors were there who survived the event. It's not just you and me, but it's also Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney. Everybody.