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Really trying to understand the relationship of Lord Ram and Sita Ma has taught me so much about the ideal relationship that one should strive for in this era, where open marriage is a thing, where divorces are rampant. But other than hope and belief that she represents for me is love. I want to repeat something that I learned from Ammi Ganatra on a fantastic Hindi podcast. In Valmiki's Ramayam, there is a dialog that Shri Ram tells Ma Sita. The dialog is the following:. That's what I've truly gained from the Ramayan at age 30. For me, the biggest sin is infidelity because for me, my belief system boils down to the stories and lessons I learned when I was four years old, five years old. It was about the Ramayan. I I cannot imagine a better marriage than the marriage of Shri Ram and Ma Seetha. I don't want heaven if it's going to arrive into my life if that heaven does not contain your soul.