Transcribe your podcast

His WhatsApp, he got hammered one game. He was getting hit for sixes, he got out, etc. He was sitting in his bus. People are moving him, people are abusing him. I went to him, I sat next to him in the team bus. I'm like, How are you feeling? How are you dealing with this? He opened his WhatsApp. He showed me texts from his wife, from his mother, from his dad, and from one of his close friends. He said, Four texts after the game, and that's all I want. He said, These four people are the ones who can have opinions about me, and regardless of how I play, they're going to tell me they love me. I was like, Okay, that's nice. Because once you have that authority of those people being there for you, regardless of anything, you just go out there and express yourself. You don't have expectations of what other people are going to say. Then after the game, regardless if I score a zero, regardless if I score 100, I have those people. I think that was the biggest lesson for me.