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We see a lot of young players surrounding MSDoni, Koli, Rohit Sharma, Bumra. What are those interactions? Do you ask for tips? Do you ask for what you could have done better in that game itself? What are those interactions that you see while the commentators are commentating and the music is playing and all?


It's an admiration, first of all. And it's just trying to pick their brain as much as you can. I just give them a situation. Like, Virat Bia, I give them situations. I played one game in Chennai. I was not being able to hit the boundary. I got 40 of 30 walls or something like that. I went to him and I asked. Then I get that insight on what he would have done, and then I try and implement it. It's a lot of admiration and trying to pick their brains on how they've done, what they've done. Because being a legend in Indian cricket is very hard. Crores of people play this game. And being so consistent at the top level of cricket, at the highest level of cricket, you've got to do something different. And it's just trying to learn as much as we can. That's a short span of.