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Pumpt about the World Cup as a fan?


I'm actually not going to watch. I'm just going to watch the final. It's a bitter feeling for me because I want to play the World Cup, and I think it's a good feeling. I want to play the World Cup. I want to play for the country. And once I see these people, it gets me motivated. But then it's like, I could be doing something else. Once I see a Indian cricket game happening, I just run to the nets. I just can't. I think it always makes me feel like, Okay, I'm not doing something right. I'm lacking somewhere. I just go out there net and just match both. So I'm going to take a chill with it. I'm going to watch the fan and chill.


Some people might even get a little upset that you said this, but this is the actual perspective of a professional cricketer. Exactly. So you have the right to feel this way.