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The only one person I can leave everything and go is Sachin Phaji. Even now, when I call him or if he messages or something, I get up. What do you want to talk about now? I hardly. See, that's what I'm saying. Sachin Phaji is Sachin Phaji. Last time, when I walked to him, it was some league was going on, and when I got retired, he was the first Indian cricketer. Everybody did, but then he actually posted still in Insta, so he put a post for me. That's why I said, Sachin Phaji is for me, it's...For all of us.Yeah, man. He's...a walking God. Yes, absolutely. He's that person who, man, a few's a great human being. He helps a lot of people. He doesn't talk about it. And he's what that aura, he just walks in and you know that, wow.Blessed soul.Oh, unbelievable. And very, very blessed.