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Viswamitra Maharishi or sage durvasa, even Valmiki people from Bharatiya history. Is it likely that they've all gone down the path of tantra?


No, no, I don't know what they have done. But to explain, as I was talking in the previous podcast, so we get certain stories related to these Maharishis from the Puranas and the Itihasa, Ramayana and the Mahavrata. Similarly, the tantras also have certain stories related to these Maharishis.


Same people.


Same set of people. Similarly, there is all the rishis also participate in the upasana of all these tantric deities. So they are so advanced human beings, they bring that knowledge down and give it to us. In fact, every mantra will also have a rishi of the mantra. Rishi means the person who first the rishi who first saw the mantra, and it is through his blessings that the mantra comes to the world of humans.