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Every single Hindu person wants to visit Kailash at some point. What is it from the Tibhitan perspective? As far as I know, the spiritual significance is that it is the abode of Chakra Sambhara and Vajra Yogini. They are two very important deities. You see this meditation belt I'm wearing? The blue symbolizes Chakra Sambhara. He has many different forms. The red symbolizes Vajra Yogini. Sounds a lot like Siwa and Parade. Yeah, main theme. Historical significance is that the great yogi of Tibet, Milarepa, he had somewhat of a wrestling match on Mount Kailash with an adversary. When you see Mount Kailash, you see this line. We say that they were fighting over a pot, and the pot rolled down and created this. Two created these two different stories that we talk about Mount Kailash.