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When you're cutting up penises for a living, what more do you understand about it? Penis has a structure and has a function. As a surgeon, I can fix a structure. A lot will depend upon how the healing comes, as we've been talking about. There's a patient sitting in front of me. Unless I feel that pain, I cannot treat him. The only difference between him and me is that he cannot think of a solution, and I'm trained to think of a solution. Does your mental health get affected? Not at all. Not at all? For this patient, I had a gentleman. I came back and I slept off, woke up at 1:00 thinking whether it will work or not. What else could I have done? How would the family feel if it doesn't work? And how would I feel? More of my residents, my staff, they would feel that, Look, our boss has done something which has failed. That introspection is a constant thing or thinking, How next time if I am faced with such a situation, what else could have been done? And that is a perpetual path of evolution and progress in my skill.