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Listeners who have not heard of kriya yoga before.


It's supposed to be one of the.


Fastest forms of spiritual advancement. The word kriyas in the yoga shastras simply means a practice. So you've been practicing for a very long time now. Yes. What is your reality now in the moment after so many years of practice? What it has done to me is it has opened up many dimensions to my mind. It has taken me from the mind, can be, at a given moment, shifted from the lower to the higher levels at will. At will. What does gross to the subtle mean to take your awareness through different parts of your spine? Yoga Shatra has innumerable kriyas. Pastrika is a kriya, jambhavi is a kriya, anulom vilom is a kriya, mahamudra is a kriya, erasing your awareness from the gross to the subtle with attention to the spine, which is called the sushumna nadi.