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Have you watched Interstellar?


Yeah, I have watched Interstellar.


At the end of Interstellar, when he goes into that black hole, he's transported to another dimension. That's what I loved about that film, black holes being worm holes, which opens up to another universe or another dimension. What do you have to say, ma'am?


Black hole has been a fascinating topic for various reasons, basically because it's a huge unknown out there. Scientists get into this framework of whenever your result is, you have got a result, probably it is very exciting, but then first you have to make sure that it actually is valid physically and mathematically. There are millions of possibilities out there, what is possible or not. But in a movie, you can actually find the very nice way to project it. This is one of the possible ways where you can bring it a person through the black hole out to the other side. But then in reality, it's very complex there out there. By the time you get all these parameters and solve it, it's like a major mess.