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This is a very popular story about Yashoda and how Krishna is eating mud. He's a little boy, and he's just taken a handful of mud and put it into his mouth. She comes out to catch him red-handed. Then she opens his mouth expecting to see mud, but she sees endless galaxies. Within that, her view, it moves towards the Milky Way Galaxy. Within the Milky Way Galaxy, now she's able to see endless worlds, endless planets, Anantaloka. She sees another Yashoda looking into another Krishna's mouth in whose mouth that Yashoda is seeing the universe, endless universes, 14. It repeats. The cycle repeats till she gets dizzy. So this is essentially inception, right? I mean, we talk about dream within a dream. It's here. She's seeing universe within universe in which parallel universes are playing out for her. And in all of them, Krishna/Vishnu is showing her his cosmic form. So it really makes you think, how much is there beyond what we know about this.