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We cannot complete a geo-politics special without speaking about America. Any long-term predictions for the presidential elections?


The US is going to have an old white man as their President. That's it? That is a very accurate prediction. Both the people in the fray are old and white. It's a horrible choice that they have. Why? That's their politics. It's Joe Biden or Donald Trump, right? Where is the diversity? Where is the youth representation? They have a lot of challenges as well. Immigration is a challenge. Abortion rights are a challenge. When half of your population is not given the right on their own body to choose what they want, there is gun violence that remains a big concern. But the US also has terms of technology. We say that chips are the new oil. Two manufacture chips. The design is happening in the US. So they're still... Companies like NVIDIA, they're very big, they're very powerful. So they still have a lead on a lot of things.