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What's the point of having high income tax?


There's no point. In income tax, you can't collect it. Who collects it? It's all been collected by the personal pockets of the income tax people and the ministers who get a cut.


You don't think that the high income tax is going towards the development of the nation?


Not at all.


But all this progress that we see, at least in roads.


How much does it cost to build a road? That's because of gut curry. Nothing else. If there was no gut curry, you would have had potholes.


But he's also receiving the money from somewhere to do that job, right? Which one? I'm trying to understand economics better.


That is of saying that the payment will be made to those who build the roads after their roads have been built. So there are a variety of ways. He has shown great dexterity that even if you cut your thing, he will get the work done by saying, Okay, you do this, and then I'll give you plus 2% more.