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How long have you been in India now? A year and three months. What's your favorite food that you've had?Shahi Tukra.Shahi Tukra.


I found out about it accidentally when I was trying Old Delhi food.


I think you get the best food in India and Delhi. Do you find some similarities between Indian food and Arab food?


A lot. Many people talk to me about biryani. I tell them, Listen, I've had so much biryani growing up that I don't want to have biryani in India. To eat the other things. My biggest challenge with my senior officials whenever they come is they always go for one restaurant without naming the restaurant.


Everyone knows which restaurant.


But we don't want to do a free advertising here.


It's okay. I'm okay with it.


It's up to you.


It's Bukhara, ITC, Maurea, I think. It's the one restaurant that every human in Delhi wants to go to.

