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If you want me to now give you more skincare than wash your face twice a day, protect, nourish, cleanse. Start with these three as your mantra. Firstly, choosing the cleanser can make or break your skin. Second thing, simply protect your skin. Moisturizer is itself a protection, right? Against the dust and the particles.


Do you think sunscreen should be used by everyone? Yeah.


So these days, formulations of sunscreen is amazing. So it really works well.


What if you don't use sunscreen?


You may be more prone to a slightly faster deterioration of your elastin and your collagen.


Your aging will be faster.


A little faster. So that's protection. Then nourishing. Nourish your skin to what it requires to quench it, to calm it. If your skin is dry, a good moisturizer is nourishing. Fourth step, which is optional, is correction and enhancement. That is where you can bring in your this serum, that serum, all that can come there. I said three steps, right? Cleansing, protection, and nourishment.