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What's the difference between Bhaerav, Kalbhaerav, Mahakal, and Shiva?


So Shiva, in a way, is the personnification of the static state of realization. You come into Shiva tatva and you become very peaceful and calm, and you are not bothered about, Dunia, kya kha, mehre ko, kya kha, na. So the moment you consider Shiva as outside of the cremation ground, who is married to Parvati, there is children, Ganesha and Kartikeh, Soma Skandar, we call him the Murti, etc. So that is Shiva as the auspicious. The moment Shiva enters the cremation ground, he becomes Bhairava. Practically speaking, Bhairava is a more aggressive, intense form of Shiva that has some connection to the cremation grounds. Kala Bhairava is the primary form of Bhairava. What is Mahakal? Mahakal is time personified, and Mahakal is the highest form of Bhairava. It is a Bhairava? Yes, Mahakal Bhairava.