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I was on a media trip. Only one itinerary had Ayudhya in it. And it was clearly mentioned that you will not go to Ramjanma Bhoomi temple. We were in an ashram and we sat down on the floor. I don't know what it was, whether it was because I was touching the Bhoomi of Ayudhya, I said, I want to visit Ramjanma Bhoomi temple. We went there. In front of me, there was this rubble. And on top of that, a tent and inside the vignes of Rachri Ramlal. And I had Ganga Jamuna from my eyes. I don't know where it came from. And when I walked out, I was completely blank. In 2018, when I visited Ramjan Bhumi, again, when I stood there at the same place, I, in a very lighter mode, said, Panditji, next time I come, tell him that I want to see him in a temple. I don't want to see him in a tent anymore, standing there. He just turned around and said, Madam Mandir to Yain Banega. And I said, You are today's Hanuman. If you are saying it, it will happen.