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I grew up only with girls. It was just sisters around me. As a guy, you make a lot of mistakes growing up. You talk rudely to girls, or you treat girls sometimes like how you would treat your guy friends, which is not correct, which includes slapping and things like that, okay? Because that's how you're brought up around other guys. So you need a sister there to tell you. Okay, no. Yeah, you can't treat them like how you treat your bros. Even when I was starting business, two of my sisters got together. They made me sit down. They told me, okay, good, you're doing business, but know this thing. And they explained this whole asking concept to me, that women might often not ask for a raise that they think they deserve or the next opportunity that they want in business. So sometimes as a male boss, you're supposed to look out for these things. And that's actually been game-changing advice. On our company, we have, I think, a 60 percent-ish female workforce, and they're the stars of our organization.