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When the first World War happened, a lot of technologies that had never been used before were all rolled out and used in warfare. We are seeing something similar right now. What have we learned about modern day war from these two situations? You saw the use for the first time of loitering munitions. These drones that fly around for two, three hours and then suddenly go and attack. These are suicide munitions, which means the drone will kill itself. These drones, they fly around for hours, and when these guys least expect, they will come in on top of the tank, and they take out tanks. Tanks have been taken out in such vast numbers in that conflict, the Armenia-Azerbajian conflict, and now in the Ukraine conflict as well. It's a whole new dimension of warfare. Even anti-personnel drones, which take out one person or two people. It's like a flying hand grenade. It will chase a soldier around, and once it is near enough, it will explode, it will denotate. It's just a small detonation, like a single hand grenade, but it can kill or maim three or four people at a given time. We are seeing this very new warfare.