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Why is AGI a big deal? Agi is basically a machine which can think and act like these super intelligent people. I'm telling you, here are the most intelligent humans that have walked this planet. In the time, a machine cannot be as curious. In that time, AGI is not there. And since this conspiracy theory around saying, Oh, it was Sam Altman, and he discovered AGI or whatever, right? And therefore, it's a very funny thing. I'll tell you why. How many subscribers do you have on YouTube? Cumulatively, about 25. 25 what? Million. Million. Perfect. If you are at 24 million today, and three weeks later, his thing has gone to 25, that's a very doable thing which is out there. If your podcast had half a million users, and I say Ranveer suddenly got 25 million users, probably they are baked, first of all. But on the other side, from AGI, we are not even at base zero, while that journey will probably be base number 100. We're so far away, there's no question of going ahead and thinking about, Oh, AGI has been cracked. It just doesn't make sense at all.