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What is contained in Lower Locas?


Lower Locas have deities through which you can get work done, job done, which will give you name, fame, material. But you're binding yourself to karma. In fact, even after death, depending upon the quality of life that you have led, before getting a human birth, you stay in the loca for a while and then come back also.


Because you have some association with them.


And people have that, Patal loke may problem, may, may, may, may, we are burning ourselves, we are dying.


No, no, no. Narad Muni has given beautiful example of Patal. He says that it is darkness and there are no lights, but everything is there shining like gold. So that is also a temporary stay. And again, you come back in the human birth. Again, you're given a chance to reach the highest crown. And that is what we call the vicious cycle of birth and death.


But there's something that could possibly happen between birth and death. A lot of things. A lot of things.


A lot of.