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In deep meditation, he's not even aware of anything. Somebody tells him,iva must have a son. That son can destroy an asura, but he is in meditation. So they bring this Kamdeva and they tell him that please do something. He fires arrows. Suddenly, there is this slight awakening of scarring of desire inside. He's curious. He opens his third eye and he looks at Kamdeva and he's burnt to ashes. Parvati, she requests him that, no, you can't do that because otherwise everything is finished. The whole world runs on desire. There is nobody who doesn't have desire. So then,iva says, okay, I will revive him, but without a physical body. He's, the Lord of Desire, who has no physical form. What it means is that desire can come in any shape. Lust is born here. From here it enters and then it spreads everywhere. Because he doesn't have a physical form, it can manifest in any form, anywhere.