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Arjun, from whom there is a lot to learn about how he developed his capability and his strength in himself. There is another beautiful story. So one day the children were eating at night and the lamps were burning. And a very strong wind blew and put out all the lamps. Arjun was eating. And suddenly he got a thought, that it is dark. I cannot see my hand. Neither can I see the morsel, but still that hand is going into my mouth. This is because of practice. I have that muscle memory in my hand, isn't it? It only goes up to my mouth. This means that if I keep practicing for each and every time, I will be able to do anything. After that day, the boy never slept at night. He practiced it at night, and once Dronachari heard it, and he came to know, Arjun would practice and tries to hit the arrow on the target, even in the dark. He was Shabdvedhi just by hearing the sound, and he achieves that. This was the quality of Arjun.