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Do people know this whole Soneki Chidiya narrative, that in medieval times, we used.


To be the shit, and then we.


Were colonized, and money got taken away, resources got taken away, our education system broke down.




So does the world know this about India, or is it just Indians?


Just Indians. This is a sarcastic phrase used on right wing Twitter. It says, like, we was kangs. Oh, we were important back in the day.


We had kings.


And we were queens and so on. And you're like, well, you suck today. And it was fake, what you're saying in the past, because it doesn't even exist in some way. I sort of understand where that sentiment comes from, but I actually disagree with it because it isn't true that all of the achievements of the past were fake. You have to actually go back into the past and feel like, okay, what parts of it were real? For example, nuclear weapons were not in the Mahabharata. What are you saying, by the way?


No, I'm kidding. Go on.


So people will make these sort of insane claims, but you have to be able to disentangle that from what you can actually see.