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Hi, it's Andrea Gunning, the host of Betrayal, and I'm excited to share episode one of the Betrayal Weekly podcast with you. I'm even more excited to tell you that you can listen to this and new episodes 100% ad-free in one week early with an iHeart True Crime Plus subscription, available exclusively on Apple Podcasts. So head to Apple Podcasts, search for iHeart True Crime Plus, and subscribe today.


Back in '96, Atlanta was booming with excitement around hosting the Centennial Olympic Games. And then, a deranged zealet willing to kill for a cause lit a fuse that would change my life and so many others forever, rippling out for generations. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to Good Game Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the Stake, Star, stats, and stories to keep you up to date. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.


Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports. One of the things that I I kept a screenshot of was the one that I thought was the worst. It's a collage. It's almost like a Christmas card. There's some writing on the top and the bottom, and then all these different photos. The photo in the top corner is a picture of my face, and then the rest of the pictures are nudes, and they become ever and ever more close up. And across the top, it says something along the lines of, Slut wife, alert. Do you know this woman? And that's out there, and I can't ever get it back.


I'm Andrea Gunning, and this is Betrayal, a show about the people we trust the most and the deceptions that change everything. Here at Betrayal, we've received hundreds of emails, messages from listeners telling us their own shocking stories. And we knew we had to find a way to share them. So I'm excited to announce that every Thursday, we will be bringing you new fascinating stories of resilience in the face of devastating betrayal. Some stories may be told over a week or two weeks, some more. And we knew where to start. A listener who emailed us in the summer of 2023. She wrote, I've been in this Betrayal Club for over two years now. When I discovered your podcast, I was intrigued. We were the couple that all the other couples envied. We were best friends, walking down Main Street, holding hands and giggling like newlyweds after two decades together. The The email explained that she didn't just love her husband. She liked him. He was the love of her life, or so she thought. It's funny how so many of these betrayal stories start the same way. Beautiful long-term relationships that aren't what they appear to be.


This is Stephanie's story, although that's not her real name. All the names you'll hear in this story have been changed or censored to respect her privacy. Seat.


We got married in 1998. It was a second marriage for both of us. I came with four boys. He had a boy and a girl. Our kids were already friends, and we're thrilled about us being together.


Stephanie and her husband, I'm going to call him Greg, live together in a tiny midwestern town. It's the town where everybody knows everybody.


It's like a small town that you would see on a movie or a sitcom. I didn't want my husband to go to the grocery store with me. It just would take so long if he went with because we knew every person at the store, and everyone would have to stop and visit with him.


Their big blended family was well known in town. Picture a modern day braided Bunch. At least that's the feeling I got from a photo she shared with me. It's Stephanie, her sons, and Greg's kids, all six of them standing side by side on the beach smiling. Their family takes up the whole three by five photo across. Their arm and arm having the best beach vacation. It's really sweet.


He was the absolute ideal husband. He was my best friend. He did housework. He cooked. He played with the kids. When the kids were little, we would go in and volunteer at their elementary school and help with their reading groups, which was super fun. And what if their dad does that? I mean, back in those days, he was the only dad who volunteered. And the kids all loved him.


There's another photo of Stephanie and her husband in front of a waterfall in a forest with his arms wrapped around her. The sun lights her face and she looks relaxed and blissful.


He was very kind, very generous, very interested in hearing what I had to say. He very much lifted me up. He made me feel seen, and He made me feel like I was smart and competent.


They had great chemistry. They made great partners, not just in marriage, but in business.


I just ended up working at my husband's optometry practice because it was a small practice, just him. He always had three employees, and one quit. I was in between jobs, so it's like, Oh, could you just fill in?


Stephanie did a lot more than just fill in. She started managing her husband's optometry practice, pushing insurance claims through and making the business more profitable than ever. They had a clear vision for their future.


We certainly were not rich, but we were very comfortable We had our own resort in our backyard. We had a large ingrown pool, hot tub, basketball court. I have this great photo of Greg on his giant pool loungeer, watching the master's golf tournament on our outdoor big screen TV. We had just begun a plan of getting the house absolutely perfect and maintenance-free for when we retired.


Of course, there were hard moments, bumps along the way. In a 22-year marriage, that's par for the course.


At one point, he admitted that he hadn't been paying the taxes at his business, and there was a possibility we could lose the business, our house, he could go to jail. That's a pretty big bump. It's like, I've invested everything. I've put my life and my kids' lives in this man's hands. So that was tough, but we worked through it.


They agreed to a payment plan with the IRS and moved forward as a team, back on track for a happy retirement. As the kids got older, Stephanie and her husband adjusted well to the empty nest.


When the kids were grown, things were almost even better. We would leave the office and walk hand in hand down the street to the local cafe and go to lunch together and sit and talk and laugh through the whole lunch, not sit and scroll on our phones like other couples. And then we would go back and work for the afternoon, and then we would go home right and wrong, life and death. Their once ordinary lives and mine changed forever.It gave me a feeling of pending doom.And all the while, our country found itself facing down a long and ugly reckoning with a growing threat. Far-right, homegrown religious terrorism. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Welcome to Good Game with Sara Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stats, stars, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. Can't wait to show you around. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. We want Good Game to be just like women's sports, the best of the competition, teamwork, and rivalries that we love minus the toxic masculinity and drunken brawls. Where else but women's sports? Do we see a player passing her ex-wife on the WNBA's all-time leading scorer list and then watch her new fiancée, teammate, and MVP candidate? Talk about it afterward on Sports Center. Shout out to Dawana Bonner and Alyssa Thomas. The tea, all. The tea is so good. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect those stories and all aspects of women's sports. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.In the summer of 2020, in the small mountain town of Idlewild, California, Five women disappeared in the span of just a few months. Eventually, I found out what happened to the women, all except one, a woman named Lydia Abrams, known as Dia. Her Friends and family ran through endless theories. Was she hurt hiking? Did she run away? Had she been kidnapped? I'm Lucy Sherriff. I've been reporting this story for four years, and I've uncovered a tangled web of manipulation, estranged families, and greed. Everyone, it seems, has a different version of events. Hear the story on Where's Deer, my new podcast from Pushkin Industries, an iHeart podcast. Listen on the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.There is a photo of Stephanie on vacation with her husband. She's staring into his eyes. The two look madly in love, infatuated, almost. Smiling so big, it's like they just started dating, not 22 years into their marriage. Looking at that picture, I think, good for them. They persevered through a tough financial crisis with their business, but made it out the other side. They were coasting into retirement. And they even worked through a major trust issue, the fallout after Stephanie found a naked photo of her on her husband's phone. But intuition is an interesting thing, that twist of the gut. Six years had come and gone. She had forgiven her husband. They had had a happy life. Yet something still churned inside Stephanie. On an unseasonably warm day in April 2021, she was home alone while Greg was out golfing with his friends.I had that feeling. I was like, I got to check all his stuff while he's gone. I saw his laptop was sitting there by his recliner. I picked it up and I took it over to the kitchen counter, and that was where I was sitting, and I literally just lifted it up, and it was there. The pages were open. He had a Flicker account filled with nude photos of me. Hundreds of pictures. Lots and lots of them that were like the one I him take. Me getting ready, showering, bathtub, that stuff. Lots of photos taken when we were at our time share in Cancun from angles that I would never have agreed to.To make it even more disturbing, there were captions under the photos of Stephanie. Disgusting captions. It's uncomfortable for me to even read this, but it shows just how degraded Stephanie felt. One caption read, Made your wife eat my cum. These photos were live, posted on the internet for anyone to access. In the moment, Stephanie was panicked.I'm in the account, and I'm deleting, deleting, deleting, deleting. And then something in me went, I got to have evidence of this. At that point, not even thinking it was illegal. I can't even believe this. No one is ever going to believe me. So I took some screenshots and then deleted. So that Ion the bed at our timeshare, and I'm fully naked, spread eagle on the bed. And there's close-ups. There's no way you can get that angle on a person without them knowing you're there.There was only one way it could have happened.I know what happened. He dragged me. Yeah, he dragged me.There was 22 years of marriage, the vows they'd taken, the businesspodcast.Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.


right and wrong, life and death. Their once ordinary lives and mine changed forever.


It gave me a feeling of pending doom.


And all the while, our country found itself facing down a long and ugly reckoning with a growing threat. Far-right, homegrown religious terrorism. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to Good Game with Sara Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stats, stars, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. Can't wait to show you around. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. We want Good Game to be just like women's sports, the best of the competition, teamwork, and rivalries that we love minus the toxic masculinity and drunken brawls. Where else but women's sports? Do we see a player passing her ex-wife on the WNBA's all-time leading scorer list and then watch her new fiancée, teammate, and MVP candidate? Talk about it afterward on Sports Center. Shout out to Dawana Bonner and Alyssa Thomas. The tea, all. The tea is so good. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect those stories and all aspects of women's sports. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.


In the summer of 2020, in the small mountain town of Idlewild, California, Five women disappeared in the span of just a few months. Eventually, I found out what happened to the women, all except one, a woman named Lydia Abrams, known as Dia. Her Friends and family ran through endless theories. Was she hurt hiking? Did she run away? Had she been kidnapped? I'm Lucy Sherriff. I've been reporting this story for four years, and I've uncovered a tangled web of manipulation, estranged families, and greed. Everyone, it seems, has a different version of events. Hear the story on Where's Deer, my new podcast from Pushkin Industries, an iHeart podcast. Listen on the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.


There is a photo of Stephanie on vacation with her husband. She's staring into his eyes. The two look madly in love, infatuated, almost. Smiling so big, it's like they just started dating, not 22 years into their marriage. Looking at that picture, I think, good for them. They persevered through a tough financial crisis with their business, but made it out the other side. They were coasting into retirement. And they even worked through a major trust issue, the fallout after Stephanie found a naked photo of her on her husband's phone. But intuition is an interesting thing, that twist of the gut. Six years had come and gone. She had forgiven her husband. They had had a happy life. Yet something still churned inside Stephanie. On an unseasonably warm day in April 2021, she was home alone while Greg was out golfing with his friends.


I had that feeling. I was like, I got to check all his stuff while he's gone. I saw his laptop was sitting there by his recliner. I picked it up and I took it over to the kitchen counter, and that was where I was sitting, and I literally just lifted it up, and it was there. The pages were open. He had a Flicker account filled with nude photos of me. Hundreds of pictures. Lots and lots of them that were like the one I him take. Me getting ready, showering, bathtub, that stuff. Lots of photos taken when we were at our time share in Cancun from angles that I would never have agreed to.


To make it even more disturbing, there were captions under the photos of Stephanie. Disgusting captions. It's uncomfortable for me to even read this, but it shows just how degraded Stephanie felt. One caption read, Made your wife eat my cum. These photos were live, posted on the internet for anyone to access. In the moment, Stephanie was panicked.


I'm in the account, and I'm deleting, deleting, deleting, deleting. And then something in me went, I got to have evidence of this. At that point, not even thinking it was illegal. I can't even believe this. No one is ever going to believe me. So I took some screenshots and then deleted. So that Ion the bed at our timeshare, and I'm fully naked, spread eagle on the bed. And there's close-ups. There's no way you can get that angle on a person without them knowing you're there.There was only one way it could have happened.I know what happened. He dragged me. Yeah, he dragged me.There was 22 years of marriage, the vows they'd taken, the businesspodcast.Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.


on the bed at our timeshare, and I'm fully naked, spread eagle on the bed. And there's close-ups. There's no way you can get that angle on a person without them knowing you're there.


There was only one way it could have happened.


I know what happened. He dragged me. Yeah, he dragged me.


There was 22 years of marriage, the vows they'd taken, the businesspodcast.Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.




Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.