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Back in '96, Atlanta was booming with excitement around hosting the Centennial Olympic Games. And then, a deranged zealet willing to kill for a cause lit a fuse that would change my life and so many others forever, rippling out for generations. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stars, stats, and stories to keep you up to date. Good Game is that reason, she decided to move forward with a divorce, but not with criminal charges. Instead, she decided to do an investigation of her own. When she left Greg, she took his laptop with her, and she brought it straight to a computer forensic specialist.I told the investigator, I know you're not going to find the photos on here. The photos were on the Flicker account, so that's not what you're going to find. But I want to know where he was, what he was doing, all of that. The main thing I'm looking for is any evidence that he drugged me because I didn't agree to take those pictures, and he went to work. When I got the report back, they called me to go over it with me, and they said, We found it. There's about two years' worth of every single click he made on that computer, and the computer forensic specialist found evidence that he had searched for state rape drugs.When she started putting the pieces together, Stephanie remembered Cancun, all those difficult mornings where she felt like she was waking up at the bottom of a lake.Waking up shouldn't feel like that. Waking up doesn't normally feel like it's a struggle to get to the light, like it's a struggle to try to wake up.And Greg had even been there explaining that she'd probably just had too much wine, that she sat in the sun for tooher. Originally, Stephanie thought she had deleted all the photos, but through her investigation, Stephanie found multiple accounts, even more photos of her. Photos that were still live. Even though their case was settled, a divorce trial has limits. The judge couldn't order Greg to take down the photos. Asking him to do that would prove on the record that he owned the account and would incriminate him.The photos are still there. One remaining photo that I know of is a picture of me in a bathtub. He printed out the picture at some point and masturbated on it. And then took a picture of that and reposted it. The link is live. I can go look at them right now.Even if Greg took down the photos that are still live on his accounts, it wouldn't completely erase them.They're still out there because he gave them to other people, and he posted them on other sites. They're eternal. They're forever.It started with a backpack at the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games, a backpack that contained a bomb. While the authorities focused on the wrong suspect, a serial bomber planned his next attacks, two abortion clinics, and a lesbian bar. But this isn't his story. It's a human story, one that I've become entangled with.I saw as soon as I turned the corner, basically someone bleeding out.The victims of these brutal attacks were left to pick up the pieces, forced to explore the gray areas between right and wrong, life and death, their once ordinary lives and mine changed forever.It gave me a feeling of pending doom.And all the while, our country found itself facing down a long and ugly reckoning with a growing threat. Far-right homegrown religious terrorism. Listen to Flash on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Welcome to Good Game with Sara Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stats, stars, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. Can't wait to show you around. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. We want Good Game to be just like women's sports, the best of the competition, teamwork, and rivalries that we love, minus the toxic masculinity and drunken brawls. Where else but women's sports do we see a player passing her ex-wife on the WNBA's all-time leading scorer list and then watch her new fiancée, teammate and MVP candidate. Talk about it afterward on SportsCenter. Shout out to Dawana Bonner and Alyssa Thomas. The tea, all the tea is so good. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect those stories and all aspects of women's sports. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sara Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.Hey, parents. Looking for something fun to listen to in the car with your kids? Blippy and Mika have a brand new podcast, Blippy and Mika's Road Trip. Each week, the Blippy Mobile will take your kids to amazing places.Click, click, put your seatbelts on.Get ready for a ride, we're going to have some fun.They'll explore and listen to the sounds of amazing places like farms, racetracks, the moon, and even-construction time.That's right, Flippy.Follow your ears, what do you hear?And they'll meet new friends along the way. Alongside Flippy and Mika, your kids will learn awesome new things about the places and things they see and hear. It's a fun, interactive listening experience for the whole family. Listen to Flippy and Mika's Road Trip on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.Since the divorce, there haven't been any charges brought against Greg, but he's had to face very real consequences with his family.My four boys have no relationship with him at all anymore. At one point, he letters to each one of them asking for forgiveness. Three of the four boys threw the letters away immediately, and one replied basically saying, There is no forgiveness for you. You're a monster. Don't ever contact me again.The news about what Greg did to Stephanie spread like wildfire in their small community.When a well-known, prominent couple in the community, all of a sudden, the wife disappears, and now this is the second wife of his that's disappeared. Everybody knows.It's had a big impact on his reputation.On the stand, he testifies that since I left, his business has been hemorrhaging. People call every day and ask for their files to be sent to another doctor. I wonder why.And that divorce decree from the judge, the one where he finds Greg drug Stephanie, took nude photos of her, posted them on the Internet, and caused her great emotional harm? That decree has been passed around the whole town.Divorce decrees are public information. Anyone can download a copy. So I heard a rumor that someone did just that and then mailed out the copies to Greg's few remaining friends.To be honest, I was surprised that he didn't move somewhere else. But Stephanie has a theory about why he stays.In his twisted mind, he's such a big fish in that tiny little pond that he can't imagine going anywhere else. They wouldn't know what a big deal he is.Part of Stephanie's healing process was trying to understand the why. Why did this happen to her? And why do people like her ex-husband do what they do?Are you familiar with Dr. Omar Minwala? Have you heard of him?Dr. Minwala is a clinical sexologist and licensed psychologist. He's the founder of the Institute for Sexual Health. His work focuses on infidelity, compulsive sexual behavior, and sex addiction. Stephanie has been reading his work, and it's helping her make sense of what happened.With guys that do this stuff, people say, Oh, what happened to you when you were a child? You must have had trauma that made you do this. He had an ideal childhood, and many of my friends in the betrayal community would say the same about their cheating, lying spouses. Dr. Manwala's premise is that this is an act of entitlement. These men do this because They believe that they deserve to have whatever they want in life, including sexually. He calls this Secret Life Online, the secret sexual basement. These men build this secret sexual basement underneath their family and their marriage and their home. And part of the high for them is the secret, that they're getting by with it.She's found community with other people who've experienced traumatic deception, but But in most of the betrayal stories she's heard, there's physical cheating. As far as Stephanie knows, Greg was never cheating with another woman.He did all of this, blew up our life, our kids' lives, our friends' lives, our community. He did all of that to jack off into his own hand.Stephanie is trying to reenter a new world, a world where people are not who they appear to be, a world where anyone she meets could have been one of those anonymous users in a chat room with her husband.Every guy that looks at me, I think you see those pictures.Slowly but surely, she's putting her life back together. It's a never-ending task, figuring out how to rebuild a sense of safety after a betrayal of this magnitude.I'm doing okay. I move around in the world a little bit better. I am happy more often than not. I rarely cry. I mean, for almost two years there, it was just, man, I needed stock in the tissue company because it was just endless. I had no idea it was physically possible to cry that much. But I can finally see that I'm okay. I'm proud of myself that in my life, and when I find it, I try to really lean in and enjoy it.Stephanie is focusing on the new things that bring her joy, like her rescue dog.Being able to take my dog with me when I go places really gives me a feeling of safety.And she loves watching true crime documentaries.And to me now, a rom-com is a horror movie. I couldn't watch that if you paid me.Stephanie found work as a nanny. It's a job she loves, and it allows her to stay out of the public.The nanny job comes with a benefits package that is giggle hugs, hugsbetrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram. Program for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts. And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show was executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison, hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning, written and produced by Monique Le Bord, also produced by Ben Fetterman. Associate producers are Kristen Malkuri and Grace Bollinger. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Krincheck. Special thanks to Stephanie. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Dalvecchio. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcast from iHeart, visit the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Back in '96, Atlanta was booming with excitement around hosting the Centennial Olympic Games. And then, a deranged zealet willing to kill for a cause lit a fuse that would change my life and so many others forever. Rippling out for generations. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes stars, stats and stories to keep you up to date. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Daryn Seals, was found murdered.That was what they going to learn.On for death, on for nothing.Every day, Daryn would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me.All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


that reason, she decided to move forward with a divorce, but not with criminal charges. Instead, she decided to do an investigation of her own. When she left Greg, she took his laptop with her, and she brought it straight to a computer forensic specialist.


I told the investigator, I know you're not going to find the photos on here. The photos were on the Flicker account, so that's not what you're going to find. But I want to know where he was, what he was doing, all of that. The main thing I'm looking for is any evidence that he drugged me because I didn't agree to take those pictures, and he went to work. When I got the report back, they called me to go over it with me, and they said, We found it. There's about two years' worth of every single click he made on that computer, and the computer forensic specialist found evidence that he had searched for state rape drugs.


When she started putting the pieces together, Stephanie remembered Cancun, all those difficult mornings where she felt like she was waking up at the bottom of a lake.


Waking up shouldn't feel like that. Waking up doesn't normally feel like it's a struggle to get to the light, like it's a struggle to try to wake up.


And Greg had even been there explaining that she'd probably just had too much wine, that she sat in the sun for tooher. Originally, Stephanie thought she had deleted all the photos, but through her investigation, Stephanie found multiple accounts, even more photos of her. Photos that were still live. Even though their case was settled, a divorce trial has limits. The judge couldn't order Greg to take down the photos. Asking him to do that would prove on the record that he owned the account and would incriminate him.The photos are still there. One remaining photo that I know of is a picture of me in a bathtub. He printed out the picture at some point and masturbated on it. And then took a picture of that and reposted it. The link is live. I can go look at them right now.Even if Greg took down the photos that are still live on his accounts, it wouldn't completely erase them.They're still out there because he gave them to other people, and he posted them on other sites. They're eternal. They're forever.It started with a backpack at the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games, a backpack that contained a bomb. While the authorities focused on the wrong suspect, a serial bomber planned his next attacks, two abortion clinics, and a lesbian bar. But this isn't his story. It's a human story, one that I've become entangled with.I saw as soon as I turned the corner, basically someone bleeding out.The victims of these brutal attacks were left to pick up the pieces, forced to explore the gray areas between right and wrong, life and death, their once ordinary lives and mine changed forever.It gave me a feeling of pending doom.And all the while, our country found itself facing down a long and ugly reckoning with a growing threat. Far-right homegrown religious terrorism. Listen to Flash on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Welcome to Good Game with Sara Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stats, stars, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. Can't wait to show you around. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. We want Good Game to be just like women's sports, the best of the competition, teamwork, and rivalries that we love, minus the toxic masculinity and drunken brawls. Where else but women's sports do we see a player passing her ex-wife on the WNBA's all-time leading scorer list and then watch her new fiancée, teammate and MVP candidate. Talk about it afterward on SportsCenter. Shout out to Dawana Bonner and Alyssa Thomas. The tea, all the tea is so good. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect those stories and all aspects of women's sports. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sara Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.Hey, parents. Looking for something fun to listen to in the car with your kids? Blippy and Mika have a brand new podcast, Blippy and Mika's Road Trip. Each week, the Blippy Mobile will take your kids to amazing places.Click, click, put your seatbelts on.Get ready for a ride, we're going to have some fun.They'll explore and listen to the sounds of amazing places like farms, racetracks, the moon, and even-construction time.That's right, Flippy.Follow your ears, what do you hear?And they'll meet new friends along the way. Alongside Flippy and Mika, your kids will learn awesome new things about the places and things they see and hear. It's a fun, interactive listening experience for the whole family. Listen to Flippy and Mika's Road Trip on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.Since the divorce, there haven't been any charges brought against Greg, but he's had to face very real consequences with his family.My four boys have no relationship with him at all anymore. At one point, he letters to each one of them asking for forgiveness. Three of the four boys threw the letters away immediately, and one replied basically saying, There is no forgiveness for you. You're a monster. Don't ever contact me again.The news about what Greg did to Stephanie spread like wildfire in their small community.When a well-known, prominent couple in the community, all of a sudden, the wife disappears, and now this is the second wife of his that's disappeared. Everybody knows.It's had a big impact on his reputation.On the stand, he testifies that since I left, his business has been hemorrhaging. People call every day and ask for their files to be sent to another doctor. I wonder why.And that divorce decree from the judge, the one where he finds Greg drug Stephanie, took nude photos of her, posted them on the Internet, and caused her great emotional harm? That decree has been passed around the whole town.Divorce decrees are public information. Anyone can download a copy. So I heard a rumor that someone did just that and then mailed out the copies to Greg's few remaining friends.To be honest, I was surprised that he didn't move somewhere else. But Stephanie has a theory about why he stays.In his twisted mind, he's such a big fish in that tiny little pond that he can't imagine going anywhere else. They wouldn't know what a big deal he is.Part of Stephanie's healing process was trying to understand the why. Why did this happen to her? And why do people like her ex-husband do what they do?Are you familiar with Dr. Omar Minwala? Have you heard of him?Dr. Minwala is a clinical sexologist and licensed psychologist. He's the founder of the Institute for Sexual Health. His work focuses on infidelity, compulsive sexual behavior, and sex addiction. Stephanie has been reading his work, and it's helping her make sense of what happened.With guys that do this stuff, people say, Oh, what happened to you when you were a child? You must have had trauma that made you do this. He had an ideal childhood, and many of my friends in the betrayal community would say the same about their cheating, lying spouses. Dr. Manwala's premise is that this is an act of entitlement. These men do this because They believe that they deserve to have whatever they want in life, including sexually. He calls this Secret Life Online, the secret sexual basement. These men build this secret sexual basement underneath their family and their marriage and their home. And part of the high for them is the secret, that they're getting by with it.She's found community with other people who've experienced traumatic deception, but But in most of the betrayal stories she's heard, there's physical cheating. As far as Stephanie knows, Greg was never cheating with another woman.He did all of this, blew up our life, our kids' lives, our friends' lives, our community. He did all of that to jack off into his own hand.Stephanie is trying to reenter a new world, a world where people are not who they appear to be, a world where anyone she meets could have been one of those anonymous users in a chat room with her husband.Every guy that looks at me, I think you see those pictures.Slowly but surely, she's putting her life back together. It's a never-ending task, figuring out how to rebuild a sense of safety after a betrayal of this magnitude.I'm doing okay. I move around in the world a little bit better. I am happy more often than not. I rarely cry. I mean, for almost two years there, it was just, man, I needed stock in the tissue company because it was just endless. I had no idea it was physically possible to cry that much. But I can finally see that I'm okay. I'm proud of myself that in my life, and when I find it, I try to really lean in and enjoy it.Stephanie is focusing on the new things that bring her joy, like her rescue dog.Being able to take my dog with me when I go places really gives me a feeling of safety.And she loves watching true crime documentaries.And to me now, a rom-com is a horror movie. I couldn't watch that if you paid me.Stephanie found work as a nanny. It's a job she loves, and it allows her to stay out of the public.The nanny job comes with a benefits package that is giggle hugs, hugsbetrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram. Program for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts. And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show was executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison, hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning, written and produced by Monique Le Bord, also produced by Ben Fetterman. Associate producers are Kristen Malkuri and Grace Bollinger. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Krincheck. Special thanks to Stephanie. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Dalvecchio. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcast from iHeart, visit the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Back in '96, Atlanta was booming with excitement around hosting the Centennial Olympic Games. And then, a deranged zealet willing to kill for a cause lit a fuse that would change my life and so many others forever. Rippling out for generations. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes stars, stats and stories to keep you up to date. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Daryn Seals, was found murdered.That was what they going to learn.On for death, on for nothing.Every day, Daryn would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me.All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


her. Originally, Stephanie thought she had deleted all the photos, but through her investigation, Stephanie found multiple accounts, even more photos of her. Photos that were still live. Even though their case was settled, a divorce trial has limits. The judge couldn't order Greg to take down the photos. Asking him to do that would prove on the record that he owned the account and would incriminate him.


The photos are still there. One remaining photo that I know of is a picture of me in a bathtub. He printed out the picture at some point and masturbated on it. And then took a picture of that and reposted it. The link is live. I can go look at them right now.


Even if Greg took down the photos that are still live on his accounts, it wouldn't completely erase them.


They're still out there because he gave them to other people, and he posted them on other sites. They're eternal. They're forever.


It started with a backpack at the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games, a backpack that contained a bomb. While the authorities focused on the wrong suspect, a serial bomber planned his next attacks, two abortion clinics, and a lesbian bar. But this isn't his story. It's a human story, one that I've become entangled with.


I saw as soon as I turned the corner, basically someone bleeding out.


The victims of these brutal attacks were left to pick up the pieces, forced to explore the gray areas between right and wrong, life and death, their once ordinary lives and mine changed forever.


It gave me a feeling of pending doom.


And all the while, our country found itself facing down a long and ugly reckoning with a growing threat. Far-right homegrown religious terrorism. Listen to Flash on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to Good Game with Sara Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stats, stars, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. Can't wait to show you around. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. We want Good Game to be just like women's sports, the best of the competition, teamwork, and rivalries that we love, minus the toxic masculinity and drunken brawls. Where else but women's sports do we see a player passing her ex-wife on the WNBA's all-time leading scorer list and then watch her new fiancée, teammate and MVP candidate. Talk about it afterward on SportsCenter. Shout out to Dawana Bonner and Alyssa Thomas. The tea, all the tea is so good. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect those stories and all aspects of women's sports. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sara Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.


Hey, parents. Looking for something fun to listen to in the car with your kids? Blippy and Mika have a brand new podcast, Blippy and Mika's Road Trip. Each week, the Blippy Mobile will take your kids to amazing places.


Click, click, put your seatbelts on.


Get ready for a ride, we're going to have some fun.


They'll explore and listen to the sounds of amazing places like farms, racetracks, the moon, and even-construction time.


That's right, Flippy.


Follow your ears, what do you hear?


And they'll meet new friends along the way. Alongside Flippy and Mika, your kids will learn awesome new things about the places and things they see and hear. It's a fun, interactive listening experience for the whole family. Listen to Flippy and Mika's Road Trip on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.


Since the divorce, there haven't been any charges brought against Greg, but he's had to face very real consequences with his family.


My four boys have no relationship with him at all anymore. At one point, he letters to each one of them asking for forgiveness. Three of the four boys threw the letters away immediately, and one replied basically saying, There is no forgiveness for you. You're a monster. Don't ever contact me again.


The news about what Greg did to Stephanie spread like wildfire in their small community.


When a well-known, prominent couple in the community, all of a sudden, the wife disappears, and now this is the second wife of his that's disappeared. Everybody knows.


It's had a big impact on his reputation.


On the stand, he testifies that since I left, his business has been hemorrhaging. People call every day and ask for their files to be sent to another doctor. I wonder why.


And that divorce decree from the judge, the one where he finds Greg drug Stephanie, took nude photos of her, posted them on the Internet, and caused her great emotional harm? That decree has been passed around the whole town.


Divorce decrees are public information. Anyone can download a copy. So I heard a rumor that someone did just that and then mailed out the copies to Greg's few remaining friends.


To be honest, I was surprised that he didn't move somewhere else. But Stephanie has a theory about why he stays.


In his twisted mind, he's such a big fish in that tiny little pond that he can't imagine going anywhere else. They wouldn't know what a big deal he is.


Part of Stephanie's healing process was trying to understand the why. Why did this happen to her? And why do people like her ex-husband do what they do?


Are you familiar with Dr. Omar Minwala? Have you heard of him?


Dr. Minwala is a clinical sexologist and licensed psychologist. He's the founder of the Institute for Sexual Health. His work focuses on infidelity, compulsive sexual behavior, and sex addiction. Stephanie has been reading his work, and it's helping her make sense of what happened.


With guys that do this stuff, people say, Oh, what happened to you when you were a child? You must have had trauma that made you do this. He had an ideal childhood, and many of my friends in the betrayal community would say the same about their cheating, lying spouses. Dr. Manwala's premise is that this is an act of entitlement. These men do this because They believe that they deserve to have whatever they want in life, including sexually. He calls this Secret Life Online, the secret sexual basement. These men build this secret sexual basement underneath their family and their marriage and their home. And part of the high for them is the secret, that they're getting by with it.


She's found community with other people who've experienced traumatic deception, but But in most of the betrayal stories she's heard, there's physical cheating. As far as Stephanie knows, Greg was never cheating with another woman.


He did all of this, blew up our life, our kids' lives, our friends' lives, our community. He did all of that to jack off into his own hand.


Stephanie is trying to reenter a new world, a world where people are not who they appear to be, a world where anyone she meets could have been one of those anonymous users in a chat room with her husband.


Every guy that looks at me, I think you see those pictures.


Slowly but surely, she's putting her life back together. It's a never-ending task, figuring out how to rebuild a sense of safety after a betrayal of this magnitude.


I'm doing okay. I move around in the world a little bit better. I am happy more often than not. I rarely cry. I mean, for almost two years there, it was just, man, I needed stock in the tissue company because it was just endless. I had no idea it was physically possible to cry that much. But I can finally see that I'm okay. I'm proud of myself that in my life, and when I find it, I try to really lean in and enjoy it.


Stephanie is focusing on the new things that bring her joy, like her rescue dog.


Being able to take my dog with me when I go places really gives me a feeling of safety.


And she loves watching true crime documentaries.


And to me now, a rom-com is a horror movie. I couldn't watch that if you paid me.


Stephanie found work as a nanny. It's a job she loves, and it allows her to stay out of the public.


The nanny job comes with a benefits package that is giggle hugs, hugsbetrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram. Program for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts. And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show was executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison, hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning, written and produced by Monique Le Bord, also produced by Ben Fetterman. Associate producers are Kristen Malkuri and Grace Bollinger. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Krincheck. Special thanks to Stephanie. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Dalvecchio. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcast from iHeart, visit the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Back in '96, Atlanta was booming with excitement around hosting the Centennial Olympic Games. And then, a deranged zealet willing to kill for a cause lit a fuse that would change my life and so many others forever. Rippling out for generations. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes stars, stats and stories to keep you up to date. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Daryn Seals, was found murdered.That was what they going to learn.On for death, on for nothing.Every day, Daryn would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me.All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


betrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram. Program for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts. And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show was executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison, hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning, written and produced by Monique Le Bord, also produced by Ben Fetterman. Associate producers are Kristen Malkuri and Grace Bollinger. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Krincheck. Special thanks to Stephanie. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Dalvecchio. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcast from iHeart, visit the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Back in '96, Atlanta was booming with excitement around hosting the Centennial Olympic Games. And then, a deranged zealet willing to kill for a cause lit a fuse that would change my life and so many others forever. Rippling out for generations. Listen to Flash Point on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes stars, stats and stories to keep you up to date. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


Presented by Elfbeauty, founding partner of iHeartWomen's Sports.


In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Daryn Seals, was found murdered.


That was what they going to learn.


On for death, on for nothing.


Every day, Daryn would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me.


All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.