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Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the steak, stars, stats, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Ever get the feeling someone's watching you? We know we're looking for us. We know we're looking for us. Well, in 1971, a group of antiwar activists had that feeling. I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire. So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's Dirty Secrets. We had some idea that this was pretty explosive. I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St.


Louis rapper and activist, Darren Seals, was found murdered. That was what they going to learn. On for death, on for nothing. Every day, Daran would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me. All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Darren Seals on iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, all. We have some exciting news to share. Abc News Studio has turned Ashley's Story from Betrayal Season 2 into a docuseries. You will get to meet the people involved. You will hear from people who have never spoken before, and you get to see where the story took place. We are so proud and excited to share it with you all. You can start streaming it on Hulu on July 30th. Stacey has pulled herself out of a complete nightmare. I can't even imagine finding this out. If it had been my son, my husband wouldn't be here. It wouldn't have been no trial. I took care of him myself. I'm Andrea Gunning, and this is Betrayal Season 3, Episode 8. No more secrets. In 1931, the citizens of Redding, Pennsylvania, were upset because their courthouse, originally built in 1840, was going to be demolished.


It was to be replaced by a new, more modern building, a huge granite and limestone structure with tall vertical windows. The budget for the new courthouse was $2 million, which is about $43 million in today's money. The building would be 19 stories high in both 16 courtrooms. It was completed in 1932, and nearly 100 years later, that same Berks County courthouse stands today. This is where Justin Rutherford would face the final chapter of justice. On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, he would be called to account for criminal solicitation to commit murder in the first degree. It was time to pay for the plot to kill Tyler. In the vastness of the courtroom, Justin looked small. He was dwarfed by the space and by the judge, looking down on him from the bench above. It was a stark contrast to Justin's last appearance in court. There were no reporters and no crowds, just rows and rows of empty benches. There were only four spectators. The prosecutor had irrefutable evidence for her case. A jail house informant had assisted law enforcement, and Justin was caught on tape explaining the best time and method to kill Tyler. It's what one might call a slam dunk.


The prosecutor had been hoping to reach a plea agreement, but it appeared that Justin wanted to go to trial. Based on the letters he had sent from jail and the absurd speeches he had given during his sentencing, I can imagine the fantasy. He'd like a defense attorney to stand up like he's in a TV show and enumerate Justin's many wonderful qualities. He's a great dad, a good provider, loved by his patients. And the judge would say, This is a misunderstood man and a doctor, no less. This is a miscarriage of justice. Maybe this time someone would get it. He wanted a trial. He wanted someone to say the words, not guilty. So a few days before the trial, it was looking like he wasn't going to make a plea deal. Until he did. I still had to show up just in case at the last minute he would have threw a mailmary and said, No, I'm not signing this. I want a trial. The district attorney said that we would have went directly into one. So to my knowledge, all of the witnesses were there. The guy that was the informant, I think he was there.


Based on the transcripts, we've reenacted some of the court proceedings from the hearing. Your Honor, we are here in the matter of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania versus Justin Rutherford, Docket 766. We were listed for jury trial for today. However, the defendant has completed paperwork for a guilty plea today. Stacey Mikaela and a victim advocate sat behind the prosecutor's table in courtroom 5A. A familiar person sat behind Justin. It was just Nanny. She was the only one that went to the first case on his behalf, too. That's just how she is. I mean, when it comes to him, there's really nothing that she won't do for him. Justin sat in the far corner of the courtroom as prosecutor Meg McAllem laid out the details of the case. Between October second of 2022 and January 17th of 2023, the defendant did solicit an inmate who was also in prison at the Berks County Jail System, who was going to be released from prison prior to the defendant being sentenced. He asked him to kill Tyler, a male juvenile who was the victim at Docket 3752 of 2021, where the defendant did plea guilty and was sentenced for rape of a child and other related offenses.


The defendant did have discussions with the inmate describing Tyler and his family's schedules and when it would be best to kill Tyler and methods to kill Tyler. The defendant provided Tyler's address and a diagram of the home where he lived with his mother and his other siblings. The defendant indicated to the inmate that after the murder was completed, that he should flee to Europe, and that he and the defendant would meet up with each other after the defendant was released from prison, after his sexual assault case was dismissed, and that the defendant would then provide the inmate with money from a secret bank account. Tyler did not attend this hearing. He had a job and didn't want to return to Pennsylvania and give in the satisfaction of seeing him again. Stacey was permitted to make a victim impact statement. She spoke directly to Justin. She let him know how strong her family was and that his crimes didn't break them. He appeared unmoved and vacant. He looked right through her. Then the judge asked if there was anything the defendant wanted to say. There would be none of the wild statements from the last hearing.


This time, Justin's lawyer spoke for him. Yes, Judge. Good morning. Mr. Rutherford has written a lot. I'm going to try to read some verbatim and summarize some. His last sentencing went off the rails a little bit, and I want to try to focus on the sentencing as much as I can. I think this new lawyer was a little bit more sensible, considering the first case, and knew that what he wrote up probably was really screwed up because Justin didn't read it. He is amongst probably the more educated defendants you'll find. He was a physician, Your Honor, and a lot of these are not Excuse is more mitigation that I'm about to present. And not to excuse his behavior, but Mr. Rutherford was quite mentally ill in jail. The insanity defense is not a possibility given the clandestine nature and some of the code and some of those things. This could have very well been a guilty but mentally ill sentence. However, with the current sentence, it's not appropriate. He was on and off medications, and he did in his letter, and I'll try to read it verbatim. weren't professional criminals. They were ordinary citizens, but they needed to know the truth about the FBI. Burglaries, forged blackmail letters, and threats of violence were used to try to stop anti-war marches. Even if that meant risking everything. I just felt like I was living in the heart of the dragon, and it was just my job to stop the fire. I'm Ed Helms, host of Snapoo. Season 2, Medberg, the story of a daring heist that exposed J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI. If it meant some risks that were involved, well, that's what citizens sometimes have to do.Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Good Game with Sara Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stats, stars, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. Can't wait to show you around. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. We want Good Game to be just like women's sports, the best of the competition, teamwork, and rivalries that we love, minus the toxic masculinity and drunken brawls. Where else but women's sports? Do we see a player passing her ex-wife on the WNBA's all-time leading scorer list and then watch her new fiancée, teammate, and MVP candidate? Talk about it afterward on SportsCenter. Shout out to Dawana Bonner and Alyssa Thomas. The The Tee, all. The tea is so good. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect those stories and all aspects of women's sports. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sara Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.My name is Curly. And I'm Maya. And welcome to The Super Secret Bestie Club podcast. A super secret club where we talk about super secret things. Yeah, like secrets that are super. That's what it is. In each episode, we'll talk about love, friendship, heartbreak, men, and of course, our favorite secret. Get in here. How's your spirit? My spirit is It's popping. I was like, text your ex. I'm like, touch the flame. Ego will have you crying over a closed door that had nothing behind it. And I say, be yourself, have fun, and have a good giggle Listen to the Super Secret Bestie Club as part of the My Cultura podcast Network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast. With the legal proceedings in the rear view mirror, Stacey and Tyler are holding their community close. And it might surprise you, some of those closest to them today are members of Justin's family. In previous series, I've seen examples where blood relations take sides, but that has not happened here. They support Stacey and accept that it's Justin who caused all the damage. Here's Justin's aunt, Nancy. It is extremely hard to accept that the little baby, the little boy I knew, did something like that to another little boy.I just couldn't understand it, and I still can't understand it. Another relative who wishes to remain anonymous, we'll call her Susan, recalls finding out what happened. I actually threw up because I'm like, What is he doing? Not to mention the first day, but I don't understand how he came to that point. You're born innocent. How in the world do you get so wired up where you want to kill somebody? And playing it out He's so arrogant. He wants to actually see me for two hours straight to explain everything. He thinks I'm an idiot. I walk in there, he's going to look me in the eyes and tell me why. I wondered if Nancy thought about seeing Justin and what she would want to say to him. I would ask him why. Tyler is a great kid, and I don't understand why he did that to that little boy. What was done to him was wrong. 25 minutes to reach Stacey's home. There were winding roads and the way passes, I had to drive through in the other direction. And I realized it was such a good metaphor for living with betrayal.In the aftermath, rebuilding is a process. It takes you in different directions. It's not linear. For Stacey and Tyler, it's been three years and they've made a lot of progress, but sometimes it doesn't feel like you've traveled very far at all. It's a reminder that when you're climbing a mountain of grief, it just takes time. Time. What grounds you is taking stock of what's around you or in front of you. During those drives winding up and down across the mountain range, we would drive in and out of rainstorms. I would look far out to see light beaming onto the vast pastures in the valley. And I thought of Stacey, Tyler, and their family, the love they have, the closeness they share, their I love and I about each individual person. I just see really great women in really unfortunate circumstances. For you, I just want you to give yourself some grace, and I want you to love yourself because you are so lovable. Thank you. I'm proud of all the work you're doing. It means a lot. If you're a man who has experienced sexual abuse or assault, or you know someone who is seeking support, go to oneinsix. Org. That's the number one, I-N, number six. Org. Find a path to a happier, healthier future. If you would like to reach out to the Betrayal team, email us at betrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts.And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank you to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group, in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show is executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison. Hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning. Written and produced by Kari Hartman. Also produced by Ben Federman and Trey Morgan. Associate producers are Kristen Malkeri and Kaitlyn Golden. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Kreincheck. Voice acting by Trey Morgan and SD Miller. Special thanks to Stacey Rutherford, Tyler and the rest of Stacey and Tyler's friends and family. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Salvecchio. Editing support from Nico Arruca. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcasts from iHeart, visit the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the Stake, Star, stats and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends.Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast. Ever get the feeling someone's watching you? Well, in 1971, a group of antiwar activists had that feeling. I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire. So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's Dirty Secrets. We had some idea that this was pretty explosive. I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Darren Seals, was found murdered. That was what they going to learn. On for death, on for nothing. Every day, Darren would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me. All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


weren't professional criminals. They were ordinary citizens, but they needed to know the truth about the FBI. Burglaries, forged blackmail letters, and threats of violence were used to try to stop anti-war marches. Even if that meant risking everything. I just felt like I was living in the heart of the dragon, and it was just my job to stop the fire. I'm Ed Helms, host of Snapoo. Season 2, Medberg, the story of a daring heist that exposed J. Edgar Hoover's secret FBI. If it meant some risks that were involved, well, that's what citizens sometimes have to do.


Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Good Game with Sara Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the stakes, stats, stars, and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. Can't wait to show you around. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends. We want Good Game to be just like women's sports, the best of the competition, teamwork, and rivalries that we love, minus the toxic masculinity and drunken brawls. Where else but women's sports? Do we see a player passing her ex-wife on the WNBA's all-time leading scorer list and then watch her new fiancée, teammate, and MVP candidate? Talk about it afterward on SportsCenter. Shout out to Dawana Bonner and Alyssa Thomas. The The Tee, all. The tea is so good. Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect those stories and all aspects of women's sports. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sara Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.


My name is Curly. And I'm Maya. And welcome to The Super Secret Bestie Club podcast. A super secret club where we talk about super secret things. Yeah, like secrets that are super. That's what it is. In each episode, we'll talk about love, friendship, heartbreak, men, and of course, our favorite secret. Get in here. How's your spirit? My spirit is It's popping. I was like, text your ex. I'm like, touch the flame. Ego will have you crying over a closed door that had nothing behind it. And I say, be yourself, have fun, and have a good giggle Listen to the Super Secret Bestie Club as part of the My Cultura podcast Network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast. With the legal proceedings in the rear view mirror, Stacey and Tyler are holding their community close. And it might surprise you, some of those closest to them today are members of Justin's family. In previous series, I've seen examples where blood relations take sides, but that has not happened here. They support Stacey and accept that it's Justin who caused all the damage. Here's Justin's aunt, Nancy. It is extremely hard to accept that the little baby, the little boy I knew, did something like that to another little boy.


I just couldn't understand it, and I still can't understand it. Another relative who wishes to remain anonymous, we'll call her Susan, recalls finding out what happened. I actually threw up because I'm like, What is he doing? Not to mention the first day, but I don't understand how he came to that point. You're born innocent. How in the world do you get so wired up where you want to kill somebody? And playing it out He's so arrogant. He wants to actually see me for two hours straight to explain everything. He thinks I'm an idiot. I walk in there, he's going to look me in the eyes and tell me why. I wondered if Nancy thought about seeing Justin and what she would want to say to him. I would ask him why. Tyler is a great kid, and I don't understand why he did that to that little boy. What was done to him was wrong. 25 minutes to reach Stacey's home. There were winding roads and the way passes, I had to drive through in the other direction. And I realized it was such a good metaphor for living with betrayal.In the aftermath, rebuilding is a process. It takes you in different directions. It's not linear. For Stacey and Tyler, it's been three years and they've made a lot of progress, but sometimes it doesn't feel like you've traveled very far at all. It's a reminder that when you're climbing a mountain of grief, it just takes time. Time. What grounds you is taking stock of what's around you or in front of you. During those drives winding up and down across the mountain range, we would drive in and out of rainstorms. I would look far out to see light beaming onto the vast pastures in the valley. And I thought of Stacey, Tyler, and their family, the love they have, the closeness they share, their I love and I about each individual person. I just see really great women in really unfortunate circumstances. For you, I just want you to give yourself some grace, and I want you to love yourself because you are so lovable. Thank you. I'm proud of all the work you're doing. It means a lot. If you're a man who has experienced sexual abuse or assault, or you know someone who is seeking support, go to oneinsix. Org. That's the number one, I-N, number six. Org. Find a path to a happier, healthier future. If you would like to reach out to the Betrayal team, email us at betrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts.And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank you to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group, in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show is executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison. Hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning. Written and produced by Kari Hartman. Also produced by Ben Federman and Trey Morgan. Associate producers are Kristen Malkeri and Kaitlyn Golden. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Kreincheck. Voice acting by Trey Morgan and SD Miller. Special thanks to Stacey Rutherford, Tyler and the rest of Stacey and Tyler's friends and family. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Salvecchio. Editing support from Nico Arruca. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcasts from iHeart, visit the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the Stake, Star, stats and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends.Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast. Ever get the feeling someone's watching you? Well, in 1971, a group of antiwar activists had that feeling. I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire. So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's Dirty Secrets. We had some idea that this was pretty explosive. I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Darren Seals, was found murdered. That was what they going to learn. On for death, on for nothing. Every day, Darren would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me. All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


25 minutes to reach Stacey's home. There were winding roads and the way passes, I had to drive through in the other direction. And I realized it was such a good metaphor for living with betrayal.


In the aftermath, rebuilding is a process. It takes you in different directions. It's not linear. For Stacey and Tyler, it's been three years and they've made a lot of progress, but sometimes it doesn't feel like you've traveled very far at all. It's a reminder that when you're climbing a mountain of grief, it just takes time. Time. What grounds you is taking stock of what's around you or in front of you. During those drives winding up and down across the mountain range, we would drive in and out of rainstorms. I would look far out to see light beaming onto the vast pastures in the valley. And I thought of Stacey, Tyler, and their family, the love they have, the closeness they share, their I love and I about each individual person. I just see really great women in really unfortunate circumstances. For you, I just want you to give yourself some grace, and I want you to love yourself because you are so lovable. Thank you. I'm proud of all the work you're doing. It means a lot. If you're a man who has experienced sexual abuse or assault, or you know someone who is seeking support, go to oneinsix. Org. That's the number one, I-N, number six. Org. Find a path to a happier, healthier future. If you would like to reach out to the Betrayal team, email us at betrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts.And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank you to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group, in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show is executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison. Hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning. Written and produced by Kari Hartman. Also produced by Ben Federman and Trey Morgan. Associate producers are Kristen Malkeri and Kaitlyn Golden. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Kreincheck. Voice acting by Trey Morgan and SD Miller. Special thanks to Stacey Rutherford, Tyler and the rest of Stacey and Tyler's friends and family. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Salvecchio. Editing support from Nico Arruca. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcasts from iHeart, visit the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the Stake, Star, stats and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends.Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast. Ever get the feeling someone's watching you? Well, in 1971, a group of antiwar activists had that feeling. I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire. So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's Dirty Secrets. We had some idea that this was pretty explosive. I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Darren Seals, was found murdered. That was what they going to learn. On for death, on for nothing. Every day, Darren would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me. All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


I love and I about each individual person. I just see really great women in really unfortunate circumstances. For you, I just want you to give yourself some grace, and I want you to love yourself because you are so lovable. Thank you. I'm proud of all the work you're doing. It means a lot. If you're a man who has experienced sexual abuse or assault, or you know someone who is seeking support, go to oneinsix. Org. That's the number one, I-N, number six. Org. Find a path to a happier, healthier future. If you would like to reach out to the Betrayal team, email us at betrealpod@gmail. Com. That's betrealpod@gmail. Com. Also, please be sure to follow us at Glass Podcasts on Instagram for all Betrayal content news and updates. We're grateful for your support. One way to show support is by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts.


And don't forget to rate and review Betrayal. Five-star reviews go a long way. A big thank you to all of our listeners. Betrayal is a production of Glass Podcasts, a division of Glass Entertainment Group, in partnership with iHeartPodcasts. The show is executive-produced by Nancy Glass and Jennifer Faison. Hosted and produced by me, Andrea Gunning. Written and produced by Kari Hartman. Also produced by Ben Federman and Trey Morgan. Associate producers are Kristen Malkeri and Kaitlyn Golden. Our iHeart team is Ali Perry and Jessica Kreincheck. Voice acting by Trey Morgan and SD Miller. Special thanks to Stacey Rutherford, Tyler and the rest of Stacey and Tyler's friends and family. Audio editing and mixing by Matt Salvecchio. Editing support from Nico Arruca. Betrayals theme composed by Oliver Baines. Music library provided by Mybe Music. And for more podcasts from iHeart, visit the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Good Game with Sarah Spain, your one-stop shop for the biggest stories in women's sports. Every day, I'm bringing you the Stake, Star, stats and stories to keep you up to date. If you're new to women's sports, welcome. And if you've been around, let's make things nice and comfy for our new friends.


Good Game is where we go to celebrate, debate, and dissect the teamwork, competition, and rivalries that we love to watch. Join us. Let's have some fun. Listen to Good Game with Sarah Spain on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast. Ever get the feeling someone's watching you? Well, in 1971, a group of antiwar activists had that feeling. I was in the heart of the dragon, and it was my job to stop the fire. So they decided to do something insane, break in to the FBI and expose J. Edgar Hoover's Dirty Secrets. We had some idea that this was pretty explosive. I'm Ed Helms. Listen to season 2 of Snapoo on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. In the early morning hours of September sixth, 2016, St. Louis rapper and activist, Darren Seals, was found murdered. That was what they going to learn. On for death, on for nothing. Every day, Darren would tell her, All right, Mom, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me. All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising: The murder of Daran Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.